[GAELIC-L] new Breton dictionaries
(too old to reply)
Marion Gunn
2012-07-06 18:26:30 UTC
Great news, which I am sharing with members of

New publication
Le trégorrois à Plougrescant
Breton-French and French-Breton dictionary
by Jean Le Dû
About 500 years ago, Jehan Lagadeuc completed his Catholicon in Tréguier,
Brittany, the first Breton dictionary ever compiled. Since then, several dozen
others have been published. The originality of Jean Le Dû’s dictionary lies in the
fact that it is, as Jean-Paul Chauveau expresses it in the preface, “a sincere and
authentic lexicon that was actually used by the people and that is presented as
precisely as possible by a faithful and attentive eye witness.”
This dictionary is the result of more than fifty years of field work and observation.
Only those words which the author has actually heard were noted, regardless of
their origin, whether Celtic, Latin, Romance or French… The actual use of each
word is specified: levenez is attributed to the ecclesstical language, micherour
applies only to lyrical compositions, etc. The pronunciation of each entry is highly
precise thanks to a phonemically-based spelling system.
The language described herein is based principally on the language of native
Breton speakers born before the First World War, but the speech of succeeding
generations has also been taken into account.
Jean Le Dû is from Plougrescant, a parish to which he already dedicated his
Doctorat d’État in 1978. Currently an emeritus professor of Celtic, he has taught
the Breton and Celtic languages and literatures for over thirty years. As the direc-
tor of several research groups and the author of one hundred articles published in
French and international scientific journals, he published his monumental Nouvel
Atlas Linguistique de la Basse Bretagne in 2001.
Jean Le Dû’s dictionary appears in two volumes: Breton French and French
Breton. Any owner of the paper version of the dictionary simultaneously acquires
right to access the online edition. This is a way of transmitting Breton in
the 21st century and responds to the needs of new speakers.
4 street Yves Collet 29200 Brest
Phone : 02 98 02 68 17
Breton-French dictionary : 500 p. - 42,90 €
French-Breton dictionary : 540 p. - 42,90 €
Emgleo Breiz
Marion Gunn * eGteo (Estab.1991)
27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an
Bhóthair, An Charraig Dhubh,
Co. Átha Cliath, Éire/Ireland.
* ***@egt.ie * ***@egt.ie *
Marion Gunn
2012-07-31 14:36:17 UTC
Fwding copy of <BREZHONEG-***@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> msg (below) to

This msg is for members of the e-group BREZHONEG-L, which Seán Mac
Suibhne and I started up last year as a direct and easy means of
communication between people planning to meet in Gwengamp this month
for the annual international gathering of the Celtic Congress.
After the great success of Congress 2012, it has been decided to keep
BREZHONEG-L going with the same aims as before and the hope of helping
one another to learn Breton.
(I’m cc:ing this msg to some other people with similar aims to ours,
who might like now to become new members of BREZHONEG-L.)
Fionnuala Ní Chasaide, PRO of the Irish Branch is issuing a formal
press report to the media on behalf of the Irish National Branch of
the Celtic Congress, so what I am posting hereunder is only a brief —
very brief report — I have put together for the benefit of BREZHONEG-L
members in general. For my own satisfaction, I’d be most grateful to
receive translations of the short passage below into Breton, Cornish,
Scottish Gaelic, Manx, Welsh and/or French, but that is not a matter
of any great urgency, especially since we have all just reached home,
safe and sound, one hopes, but possibly not a little tired after the
events — and some people more tired, perhaps, than others, for very
good reason, not least our very generous hosts back in Breizh!
Roghnaigh teanga (Gaeilge/Bearla). Select language (English/Irish).
Gwengamp, Brittany, was the venue last week (23-28 July) for
international gathering 2012 of the Celtic Congress, during which
participants from the six countries shared the heartiest of Breton
hospitality. The week’s events included Breton lessons, talks by
invited guests from all six countries and music sessions at night. The
theme of this year’s conference was the effect of the implementation
of official government policies in favour of the Celtic languages on
their future. This year’s invited speaker from Ireland was Dónall Ó
Riagáin, independent consultant on language planning and former
General Secretary of the European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages.
His talk included the following proposal:“A possible first step
towards rebuilding a pan-EU network of NGOs to promote linguistic
diversity might be the establishment of broadly representative
committees of NGOs and other agencies working for our languages in the
three EU member states where the Celtic languages are spoken —
Ireland, France and the United Kingdom. These committees would
cooperate mainly through a website and other ITC facilities.” Next
year’s international gathering of the Celtic Congress will be held in
Bodmin, Cornwall. More information is available on the following two
websites: www.ccheilteach.ie <http://ccheilteach.ie/> (e-mail
www.kendalch-keltiek.com <http://www.kendalch-keltiek.com/> (e-mail
Reáchtáladh tionól idirnáisiúnta 2012 na Comhdhála Ceiltí i nGwengamp
na Briotáine an an tseachtain seo caite (23-28 Iúil), inar bhain
rannpháirtithe as na sé thír taitneamh as féile chroíúil lucht na
Briotáine. Ar imeachtaí na seachtaine, bhí ranganna Briotáinise,
cainteanna le haoichainteoirí as na tíortha ar fad agus seisiúin ceoil
san oíche. Ba é téama chomhdháil na bliana seo ná an tionchar a bhíonn
ag polasaithe oifigiúla i bhfách teangacha Ceilteacha arna gcur i
bhfeidhm ag rialtais éagsúla. Dónall Ó Riagáin, comhairleoir
neamhspleách i réimse na pleanála teanga agus iar-Ard-Rúnaí ar an
mBiúró Eorpach do Theangacha Neamhfhorleathana, a bhí mar
aoichainteoir ag Éirinn i mbliana. Sa chaint a thug sé, bhí an moladh
seo le déanamh aige: “Ba chéad chéim phraiticiúil i dtreo eagraíocht
tras-AE a bhunú — eagraíocht a mbeadh mar aidhm aici éagsúlacht teanga
a chaomhnú is a chur chun cinn — an Chomhdháil Cheilteach coistí a
bheadh ionadaíoch don earnáil dheonach teanga a bhunú sna trí
bhallstát ina labhraítear na teangacha Ceilteacha — Éire, an Fhrainc
agus an Ríocht Aontaithe. Dhéanfaí táthú a chomhordú ar obair na
gcoistí ballstáit seo trí úsáid a bhaint as teicneolaíocht cumarsáide,
mar shampla, suíomh gréasáin.” Bodmin Chorn na Breataine atá
roghnaithe mar ionad do thionól idirnáisiúnta 2013 na Comhdhála
Ceiltí. Tuilleadh eolais ar fáil ar an dá shuíomh idirlín seo a
leanas: www.ccheilteach.ie <http://ccheilteach.ie/> (r-phost
www.kendalch-keltiek.com <http://www.kendalch-keltiek.com/> (r-phost
A galon,
Marion Gunn * eGteo (Estab.1991)
27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an
Bhóthair, An Charraig Dhubh,
Co. Átha Cliath, Éire/Ireland.
* ***@egt.ie * ***@egt.ie *
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