[GAELIC-L] The Dialects of Irish and Fuaimeanna na Gaeilge
(too old to reply)
Marion Gunn
2011-10-14 13:13:42 UTC
Foinse: <***@uni-due.de>.

Á scaipeadh seo ar na r-ghrúpaí seo a leanas:

Tréaslaím do chuid oibre leat, a Réamainn Uí Icí.

Má chuireann tú leagan Gaeilge den fhógra thíos chugam, scaipfead ar
<GAEILGE-***@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> é, chomh maith, mar is dóigh liom go
meallfadh fógra mar é sin daoine chun do shuímh.

Dear colleague,
The reason for my writing to you just now is to draw your attention to
/The Dialects of Irish. Study of a Changing Landscape.
/2011, de Gruyter Mouton.
Given your interest in Irish I thought you might like to know about
this publication, in case it has not come to your attention before.
The book is a monograph of some 500 pages with an accompanying DVD on
which recordings of over 200 speakers are available with many samples
of phonological features from Irish along with much background
information on the language.
If you are interested in ordering the book for your library, you can
In addition to the book, I have also constructed a website -
/Fuaimeanna na Gaeilge/The Sounds of Irish/ - intended for students
and scholars who wish to learn more about the phonetics and phonology
Best regards,
Raymond Hickey
Considine, Ian
2011-10-17 09:20:15 UTC
A Mharion, a chara
Beidh me ag dul ar phinsin i gceann cupla mí is ní bheidh mé in ann leanacht leis an seoladh ríomhpost oifigiúil a úsáideam faoi láthair. Bheinn faoi chomaoin agat dá bhfeadfa mo sheoladh nua a chuir le do liosta [***@eircom.net]

-----Original Message-----
From: Gaelic Language Bulletin Board
[mailto:gaelic-***@listserv.heanet.ie]On Behalf Of Marion Gunn
Sent: 14 October 2011 14:11
Subject: Re: [GAELIC-L] The Dialects of Irish and Fuaimeanna na Gaeilge

Foinse: <***@uni-due.de>.

Á scaipeadh seo ar na r-ghrúpaí seo a leanas:

Tréaslaím do chuid oibre leat, a Réamainn Uí Icí.

Má chuireann tú leagan Gaeilge den fhógra thíos chugam, scaipfead ar
<GAEILGE-***@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> é, chomh maith, mar is dóigh liom go
meallfadh fógra mar é sin daoine chun do shuímh.

Dear colleague,
The reason for my writing to you just now is to draw your attention to
/The Dialects of Irish. Study of a Changing Landscape.
/2011, de Gruyter Mouton.
Given your interest in Irish I thought you might like to know about
this publication, in case it has not come to your attention before.
The book is a monograph of some 500 pages with an accompanying DVD on
which recordings of over 200 speakers are available with many samples
of phonological features from Irish along with much background
information on the language.
If you are interested in ordering the book for your library, you can
In addition to the book, I have also constructed a website -
/Fuaimeanna na Gaeilge/The Sounds of Irish/ - intended for students
and scholars who wish to learn more about the phonetics and phonology
Best regards,
Raymond Hickey

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