[GAELIC-L] A long, long way from there to here?
(too old to reply)
Marion Gunn
2010-09-10 11:52:52 UTC
Anyone on SEANCHAS-L tried this?
(Cc: GAELIC-L, mar eolas dár mbaill)

Generally, the following link is helpful in calculating distances
between Irish towns:

However, today's attempts all resulted in the following weirdity:

"Distance From City, Village, Town Or Airport:
Distance To City, Village, Town Or Airport:

Select from Search Result...
Kells (Limerick)
Kells (County Kerry)
Kells (County Kilkenny)
Ceanannas (County Meath)
Select from Search Result...
Sorry! No match found for Armagh.
Please check the spelling or try again."

Marion Gunn * eGteo (Estab.1991)

27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an

Bhóthair, An Charraig Dhubh,

Co. Átha Cliath, Éire/Ireland

* ***@egt.ie * ***@egt.ie *
Michael McDermott
2010-09-10 18:06:01 UTC
Does not include places in Northern Ireland (Armagh, Belfast, Derry,
Downpatrick tried).

Also recognizes only three airports (Shannon, Dublin, Cork), excluding
Kerry International (not to mention the regionals).
Post by Marion Gunn
Anyone on SEANCHAS-L tried this?
(Cc: GAELIC-L, mar eolas dár mbaill)
Generally, the following link is helpful in calculating distances
Select from Search Result...
Kells (Limerick)
Kells (County Kerry)
Kells (County Kilkenny)
Ceanannas (County Meath)
Select from Search Result...
Sorry! No match found for Armagh.
Please check the spelling or try again."
Marion Gunn * eGteo (Estab.1991)
27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an
Bhóthair, An Charraig Dhubh,
Co. Átha Cliath, Éire/Ireland
Marion Gunn
2010-09-11 15:31:16 UTC
Is fíor duit, a Mhichíl. An eol duit foinse níos fearr eolais, nó fós
foinse eolais níos fearr (ar líne)?
Post by Michael McDermott
Does not include places in Northern Ireland (Armagh, Belfast, Derry,
Downpatrick tried).
Also recognizes only three airports (Shannon, Dublin, Cork), excluding
Kerry International (not to mention the regionals). e *
Marion Gunn * eGteo (Estab.1991)

27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an

Bhóthair, An Charraig Dhubh,

Co. Átha Cliath, Éire/Ireland

* ***@egt.ie * ***@egt.ie *
Risteard Mac Liam
2010-09-11 16:46:16 UTC
googlemaps.com a úsáidim féin, a Mharion. "Get Directions" agus sin é.

mapquest.com , michelin.com , chomh maith leis seo, ach cloisim gurb é seo
- http://www.microsoft.com/streets/en-us/Trial.aspx an ceann is fearr. níor
bhain mé úsáid as go fóill, ach is féidir leat é a íoslódáil saor in aisce
ar feadh 60 lá.

Post by Marion Gunn
Is fíor duit, a Mhichíl. An eol duit foinse níos fearr eolais, nó fós
foinse eolais níos fearr (ar líne)?
Does not include places in Northern Ireland (Armagh, Belfast, Derry,
Downpatrick tried).
Also recognizes only three airports (Shannon, Dublin, Cork), excluding
Marion Gunn * eGteo (Estab.1991)
27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an
Bhóthair, An Charraig Dhubh,
Co. Átha Cliath, Éire/Ireland
Marion Gunn
2010-09-12 09:13:13 UTC
Post by Risteard Mac Liam
googlemaps.com a úsáidim féin, a Mharion. "Get Directions" agus sin é.
Faoi googlemaps.com , caithfidh tú United Kingdom a chur isteach chun
cuardach a ghéarú, mar is cosúil nach n-aithníonn an córas sin
ainmneacha contaetha astu féin, ina ghléas géaraithe/réimse cuardaigh
(rud nach bhfuil ciall ar bith leis).
Post by Risteard Mac Liam
mapquest.com ,
Bhíodh mapquest.com in úsáid agam, ach ní aithníonn sé "Ceanannas" (rud
a aithníonn distancecalculator.globefeed.com, dá easnamhaí é ar
dhóigheanna eile).
Post by Risteard Mac Liam
Again, michelin.com is more than a bit weird. Here's how it lists
countries in Europe: ... België/Belgique (suitably PC), Danmark,
Deutschland, Eesti, España, France, Hrvatska, Ireland, Italia, Latvija.
Féach codarsnacht! :-( Note the anomaly? Also, when I clicked "Ireland"
on Michelin's list, since it omits "Éire", it transferred me to the
"United Kingdom" screen.
Post by Risteard Mac Liam
chomh maith leis seo, ach cloisim gurb é seo -
http://www.microsoft.com/streets/en-us/Trial.aspx an ceann is fearr.
níor bhain mé úsáid as go fóill, ach is féidir leat é a íoslódáil saor
in aisce ar feadh 60 lá.
Éire ar reic? Ní dóigh liom é!

Is léir go bhfuil obair mhór le déanamh ag Fáilte Ireland agus ag an
Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha, ó thaobh na tadhleoireachta de, nó fágfar na
nithe thuas gan ceartú.
Post by Risteard Mac Liam
Anyone on SEANCHAS-L tried this?
(Cc: GAELIC-L, mar eolas dár mbaill)
Generally, the following link is helpful in calculating distances
Select from Search Result...
Kells (Limerick)
Kells (County Kerry)
Kells (County Kilkenny)
Ceanannas (County Meath)
Select from Search Result...
Sorry! No match found for Armagh.
Please check the spelling or try again."
Marion Gunn * eGteo (Estab.1991)

27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an

Bhóthair, An Charraig Dhubh,

Co. Átha Cliath, Éire/Ireland

* ***@egt.ie * ***@egt.ie *
Michael McDermott
2010-09-12 17:08:21 UTC
Try this (a subset of Michelin.com):
http://www.viamichelin.co.uk/tpl/hme/MaHomePage.htm. Country names
appear in English form. For departure, I picked Ireland as country and
wrote Kells; for destination accepted United Kingdom and wrote Armagh.
Got a resolution for which Kells (of four), picked IRL - Kerry: Kells,
got a clear map with distances (in miles) and times for three suggested
. . . > michelin.com,
Again, michelin.com is more than a bit weird. Here's how it lists
countries in Europe: ... België/Belgique (suitably PC), Danmark,
Deutschland, Eesti, España, France, Hrvatska, Ireland, Italia,
Latvija. Féach codarsnacht! :-( Note the anomaly? Also, when I clicked
"Ireland" on Michelin's list, since it omits "Éire", it transferred me
to the "United Kingdom" screen. ... mg
Risteard Mac Liam
2010-09-12 20:58:38 UTC
Guess I'm not following the thread correctly.

directions from Kells (Ballymena) to Armagh City. Is this the Kells you're
looking for?

Or is the problem that it should be Kells Co. Antrim Ireland, not Kells UK?
You want a 32 county choice for Kells, Ireland?
http://www.viamichelin.co.uk/tpl/hme/MaHomePage.htm. Country names appear
in English form. For departure, I picked Ireland as country and wrote Kells;
for destination accepted United Kingdom and wrote Armagh. Got a resolution
for which Kells (of four), picked IRL - Kerry: Kells, got a clear map with
distances (in miles) and times for three suggested routes.
. . . > michelin.com,
Again, michelin.com is more than a bit weird. Here's how it lists
countries in Europe: ... België/Belgique (suitably PC), Danmark,
Deutschland, Eesti, España, France, Hrvatska, Ireland, Italia, Latvija.
Féach codarsnacht! :-( Note the anomaly? Also, when I clicked "Ireland" on
Michelin's list, since it omits "Éire", it transferred me to the "United
Kingdom" screen. ... mg
Michael McDermott
2010-09-12 22:31:50 UTC
Post by Risteard Mac Liam
Guess I'm not following the thread correctly.
<http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Armagh,+United+Kingdom&daddr=Kells,+Ballymena+BT42,+UK&hl=en&geocode=FRNHPQMdlG-a_ymNFst9VY1gSDFIGMnNfWMuuQ%3BFRRPRAMdsRGh_ylp1AcWg7JhSDHQGK45tT8PCg&mra=ls&sll=54.812705,-6.221437&sspn=0.0229,0.0842&ie=UTF8&z=9> gives
directions from Kells (Ballymena) to Armagh City. Is this the Kells
you're looking for?
Or is the problem that it should be Kells Co. Antrim Ireland, not
Kells UK? You want a 32 county choice for Kells, Ireland?
My effort was to duplicate Marion's original request (distance from
Kells to Armagh) using a Michelin (not Google) tool. I considered the
attempt successful. My point was that I had found a Michelin tool free
of the problems Marion had encountered.

As to Google, I actually think that may be the easiest tool to use,
since it gives resolutions for Kells reflecting what the user has
previously searched for. Different users get different prompts when
writing simple "Kells"; if none is "right", writing a few more letters
brings different prompts. For example, adding "U" brought up "Kells,
United Kingdom"; "Kells Ki" brought up "Kells, Kilkenny, Ireland"; while
"Kells A" brought up "Kells, Ballymena, Antrim, United Kingdom".

Many options with many solutions!
Post by Risteard Mac Liam
http://www.viamichelin.co.uk/tpl/hme/MaHomePage.htm. Country names
appear in English form. For departure, I picked Ireland as country
Armagh. Got a resolution for which Kells (of four), picked IRL -
Kerry: Kells, got a clear map with distances (in miles) and times
for three suggested routes.
. . . > michelin.com <http://michelin.com/>,
Again, michelin.com <http://michelin.com/> is more than a bit
weird. Here's how it lists countries in Europe: ...
België/Belgique (suitably PC), Danmark, Deutschland, Eesti,
España, France, Hrvatska, Ireland, Italia, Latvija. Féach
codarsnacht! :-( Note the anomaly? Also, when I clicked "Ireland"
on Michelin's list, since it omits "Éire", it transferred me to
the "United Kingdom" screen. ... mg