Marion Gunn
2010-11-11 18:44:56 UTC
Hello from the Boyne Valley,
Thought I would share a photo from the Autumn Equinox at Loughcrew, I'm the
one with a bit of a beard.
Story of my life, Michael. In too many of my own group photos, I seemThought I would share a photo from the Autumn Equinox at Loughcrew, I'm the
one with a bit of a beard.
to be about the only one without a beard. "Go figure", as the Americans
say - although I have no idea whatsoever what that expression means, but
I like the sound of it.:-)
Passing your msg on to others, via lists GAELIC-L and SEANCHAS-L.
B'fhéidir gur mhaith le cuid de na baill féiríní Nollag a cheannach a
chuideoidh leis an obair mhaith atá ar siúl agaibhse.
Ádh mór oraibh,
By the way if you are buying anything from Amazon over the festive season,
please start at
The commission will be very much appreciated.
Best regards,
Michael Fox
--By the way if you are buying anything from Amazon over the festive season,
please start at
The commission will be very much appreciated.
Best regards,
Michael Fox
Marion Gunn * eGteo (Estab.1991)
27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an
Bhóthair, An Charraig Dhubh,
Co. Átha Cliath, Éire/Ireland
* *** * *** *